Sunday 17 December 2017

Twas the Week Before Christmas.....

And all through Grade 1......

Students learned all about reindeer, where they live, what they look like, what they eat, and what adaptations they make. They then built reindeer stables with our reading buddies from Mrs. Costello's Grade 4 class. They also made reindeer out of clay. The students then made a reindeer glyph. A glyph is like a code, if your child brought home a reindeer on blue paper, that means they want a reindeer as a pet. If they coloured the antlers yellow, that means they have seen a reindeer in real life. If they coloured the nose red, that means they like snowy weather more than sunny, hot weather.  We also played a fun relay race of decorating a Christmas tree with gym equipment, with a student acting as a tree, just like in the story we read last week,  "Moostletoe".

A snapshot of our week: 


1. Advent Mass. Tuesday, December 19th. 9:30-10:30. All welcome.

2. Christmas sing-along. Friday, December 22nd 1-2pm.


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