Monday 6 March 2017

Wednesday February 28th, was 'Ash Wednesday' and it marked the beginning of the Lenten season. The students attended an Ash Wednesday celebration in the learning commons where they each received ashes on their foreheads as a symbol of penance and a witness to their Catholic faith.  We made our own ' Lenten Prayer Pots' in class which were sent home, along with our first symbol which was to be placed in the pot (a heart cut out of construction paper).  Each week the students will receive a small item to be placed in their prayer pots at home. Please help to reinforce the home-school connection by discussing the significance of the symbol with your child.    
Here is a quick overview:
Heart = Symbolizes God's love for us and our love for each other
Seed = Reminds us that God's love for us constantly grows
Rubber Band = God's patience for us always stretches and we must do the same for others 
Marble = A reminder to take turns and share
Bandaid = Reminds us to always help others in need
Piece of Palm = Reminds us that Jesus is King
Piece of Eggshell = A symbol of rebirth and the ever-loving presence of Jesus and God. 

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