Tuesday 13 September 2016

Math Talk Mondays

Math is everywhere!! Each Monday we will look at a new picture and find all of the math in it! What kind of math do you see as you are out and about with your child? When you are with your child, help him/her to build their math vocabulary and recognize that math is everywhere in the real world by pointing out the following:
-shapes 2-D (circle, triangle, hexagon, square, oval etc.) and 3-D (sphere, cone, cylinder, cube)
-how things are sorted
-measurement terms (long/short/tall/wide/thin/thick/big/small, etc)
-quantity terms: more/less, most/least, equal
-counting everything and anything, count by ones, twos, five and tens
Math is literally everywhere. The more your child is engaged in conversations about math in the real world, he stronger foundation your child will have for building more complex math skills on as they grow up.
On Monday, September 13th we looked at this photo:

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